The Ultimate Codex

This is the most in-depth wiki you will find for WackGames, Thejistan, and all other related lore and stories.

In Progress. Please wait.

Full Index (WIP)

An index of every single page, sorted alphabetically. Still in progress.
Aloevera Mansex
Aurelian Shaft
Hector Boyardee
Jerma Elbertson
World War II

Categories (WIP)

An index of categories for specific types of pages, for easier searching. Still in progress.


The Library of Markov is owned and composed by Daniel Markov. It has been allowed to be hosted on WacSupport's website, which is owned by Ramessh Alu Bin Zanzibar.
Lead Programmer of the digital archive: Gemini
Director of Lorekeeping: Daniel
Co-Writers: Wacky, Reddimental, Gemini, Shaydabop, TreyTM
Copyright Protected by the Nation of Thejistan since 2023.