The Lexicon of Markov

World War II
Left to right up to down, from top left, Aloevera assassinates Mussolini, a photo of Jerma from 1940, the United Kingdom's special forces marching to battle in Tønder, Allied Forces leaders, Atomos consuming Nikolagrad, Soulja-Tan and her army, the leaders of the Allied Forces entering the Void, Exdeath exiting the rift, Spicy Meatball detonates in Beijing.
Date: October 1, 1939 - May 22, 1944 (4 years, 7 months, 21 days)
Earth (Important figures include United States, United Kingdom, and Russia [The Allied Forces], as well as Japan, Jtaly, and Jermany [The Jackass Powers]. China also played a major role as a sudden third-party).

The Void (Important figures include Castle Bleck as a rebel nation that joined the Allied Forces, and Castle Exdeath who puppeteered the Jackass Powers).

Allied Forces successfully take down Jerma, and "kill" The J.

Fall of Jackass Powers, relinquishing its control from Japan, Italy, and Germany.

A permanent relationship between Earth and The Void.

Creation of the United Nations.

Resurrection of Aurelian Shaft, who received immortality.

The money and the loot.

Planted the seeds for Thejistan's independence.

Temporary end of Exdeath's complete stranglehold over The Void.

Several new nations gaining independence from Castle Exdeath within the Void.

==Allied Forces==
Hector Boyardee
King Christian X
Tzaritza Olga I
Count "Bleck" Blumiere Cenere

==Jackass Powers==
Showa Hirohoto
Benito Mussolini (1939 - 1942)
Succeeded by The J (1942 - 1944)
God King Jerma Elbertson
Lord Exodes "Exdeath" Ampora

==Soulja Boyz==
Soh Gea Xuanji (Soulja-Tan)
Patrick Bates

Over 70,000,000 (Earth)
~7,650 (The Void)
Undocumented voidsent deathcount (Est. 100,000,000 due to size of Exdeath's army)
175,000,000 to 200,000,000
(Highest Estimated Total)

World War II, also known as The War of Two Worlds, The War of the Worlds, The Jerman Invasion, The J's Gambit, and specifically "The Grand War of Exdeath" in The Void, is one of the most historical important events in the entirety of Wacky Lore.